For the safety of our Customers and Staff, we follow Fort Worth ISD on inclement weather days. 

Do You Need Nutrition Counseling?

1. I eat protein with each meal:
Always (+1)
Usually (0)
Inconsistently (–1)

2. I eat fruits and vegetables:
5 or more servings a day (+1)
3 servings a day (0)
Less than 3 servings a day (–1)

3. I skip meals:
Never (+1)
Seldom (0)
Often (–1)

4. I eat candy, cookies, and other sweets:
3 times or fewer per week (+1)
Every day (0)
Several times a day, most days (–1)

5. The grains I eat are mostly whole grains (e.g., brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread, whole grain cereals):
Most of the time (+1)
Sometimes (0)
Almost never (–1)

6. The protein and dairy I eat are usually low in fat (sirloin, white meat skinless chicken, fat-free [skim] milk):
Almost always (+1)
Sometimes (0)
I don’t notice the fat content (–1)

7. I limit coffee and tea to no more than one small cup a day:
Yes (+1)
No (–1)

8. When cooking or using condiments, I select low-fat or nonfat versions:
Always (+1)
Sometimes (0)
Never (–1)

9. I choose nuts, olive oil, and other heart-healthy fats instead of butter, shortening, or other saturated fats:
Always (+1)
Sometimes (0)
Never (–1)

10. I eat fatty fish such as salmon or tuna at least once a week, and limit fatty and cured meats such as bacon or sausage to no more than once a week:
Yes (+1)
No (–1)

Scoring Your Quiz
Add up your scores from all your answers:

If you scored:
8–10: You are doing well. Continue to build on your success.
6–8: You are doing some things well. Look at where you scored 0 or –1 and set see how you could improve that.
5 or less: You will benefit from nutrition counseling. Schedule an appointment with our registered dietitian!

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