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How Can a Dietician Help Me Lose Weight?

How Can a Dietician Help Me Lose Weight?

We’ve all heard it before: eating a healthy diet is key to successful weight loss. But you’re not alone if you’re wondering what constitutes a healthy diet.

These days, we have countless food options for every meal, and it seems like there’s a new fad diet every week. It’s hard to know which advice to listen to, especially if you have preexisting health conditions or you’re trying to achieve lasting weight loss.

That’s where we come in. At Medical Associates Of North Texas, we specialize in medical weight loss. We develop customized exercise and nutrition plans and provide the education and support you need to succeed.

Diet and nutrition are essential parts of healthy living, and our registered dietician is here to educate and support you along the way. Here’s how working with a dietician can help you lose weight.

Personalized nutrition evaluations for your body

Your body uses calories from food as energy. The average adult woman burns between 1,600-2,400 calories daily, and the average adult man burns between 2,000-3,000 calories.

In general, if you eat the same amount of calories that your body burns, your weight stays the same. If you eat more calories, you gain weight. If you eat fewer calories, you lose weight.

It sounds simple, but not everyone burns the same amount of calories, and it’s not easy to know what or how much you should eat.

Our dietician evaluates your body, health, and lifestyle to help you understand how you burn calories and how many calories you should eat each day. They consider your health history, typical diet, activity level, and more, combining all this information into a personalized recommendation for you.

Nutrition education and meal planning support

You get more than calorie guidelines when working with a registered dietician. The foods you eat matter; some foods are better for your health than others.

The dietician teaches you which foods to avoid and why. They tell you about healthy alternatives and why they’re better for you. They also show you how to read food labels, so you can make healthier choices on your own.

Your dietician helps you find healthy meal options even if your diet is restricted. They can make recommendations if you have food allergies, sensitivities, intolerances, or preexisting health issues, like high cholesterol and diabetes, that can make finding food more challenging.

Practical tips for healthy eating every day

Complicated, overly restrictive diets are hard to stick to, and they usually don’t end with success. That’s why we work with you to make healthy eating sustainable in your everyday life.

Your dietician not only gives you a customized nutrition plan — they help you implement it. From grocery shopping to eating at restaurants, they give you practical tips for sticking to your nutrition guidelines.

They’re available to answer your questions, and they can recommend other strategies, like food journaling and mindful eating, to help change your relationship with food. The dietician partners with the rest of our team and adjusts your nutrition plan as needed to complement your weight loss journey.

If you’re trying to shed extra pounds, don’t overlook the importance of the food you eat. Find education and support with our registered dietician at Medical Associates Of North Texas. Call our Fort Worth, Texas, office at 972-433-7178 or send us a message to learn more.

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